

21 July

There is a new scam targeting job seekers

Attention, everyone! There's a new scam targeting job seekers, especially those with less experience. Here’s a brief overview.

The Scam One of my friends received a call from a company while he was earning a 7 LPA package and was expecting 12 LPA. The company didn’t negotiate and immediately scheduled an interview. Typically, we have at least one or two technical rounds, followed by a managerial and then an HR discussion. However, in this case, it went straight to an HR round. They selected my friend and suggested a certification before joining them. The very next day, they released an offer letter without any negotiation, mentioning a certification from a specific website in the terms.

While going through the offer letter, I noticed several red flags indicating it was a scam.

Red Flags

  • The company name was not authentic, though it was 99% similar to a well-known company (e.g., BMC to BMCindia in the email).
  • There was no technical round, yet they released the offer despite my friend's poor performance in the interview.
  • There was no negotiation, and the offer letter contained numerous spelling mistakes.
  • The suggested institute was bogus, with a course fee of 20k.
  • The condition was that my friend could only join them after completing the course.


  • Don’t blindly accept any offers if there are conditions attached.
  • Thoroughly check the email address and terms and conditions.
  • If an offer seems too good to be true, investigate it on Google.
  • Scammers are targeting job seekers with 0-3 years of experience because they can be easily manipulated. Think logically, not emotionally, before taking any step.

Good Luck! Stay Safe!

