Angular's File Explanation
Let's dive into the Angular universe, and understand the structure of the app folder:
1. 'src’ folder: It is the core folder of our angular application which contains all the files.
- ‘app’ folder: In this folder all the angular components, services and modules were kept.
- ‘asset’ folder: Here all the static files like images, icons, fonts etc reside.
- ‘environment’ folder: In the environment folder environment-specific configuration files are stored.
- ‘index.html’: It is the entry point of your angular application which contains the base HTML file
- ‘style.css’: It contains the stylesheets that will applied to the overall project.
- ‘main.ts’: It is the main entry point for your Angular application which imports the AppModule.
2. ‘angular.json’: It is the Angular CLI configuration file that defines build configurations, asset paths, and more.
3. ‘tsconfig.json’: It contains TypeScript configuration settings which we can modify based on our uses.
4. ‘package.json’: It is used to manage project dependencies and scripts. we can install update and remove the packages based on our requirements.
5. ‘tslint.json’: These files define the coding style rules and guidelines to ensure code consistency in your application.
6. ‘’: It is the documentation file of your project.