Angular Libraries
Libraries are collections of pre-made code and components that you can use to save time and effort. Here are some popular libraries used in Angular:
- RxJS: Helps with managing how your app responds to things that happen over time, like user interactions.
- Angular Material: Provides ready-to-use building blocks for creating good-looking and user-friendly interfaces.
- NgRx: Helps you keep track of your app's data and manage it efficiently.
- PrimeNG: Offers a variety of elements and features for your app, like tables and forms.
- Angular Flex-Layout: This helps you make your app's layout flexible and adaptable to different screen sizes.
- ngx-translate/core: Allows your app to support different languages and translations.
- ngx-bootstrap: Makes it easy to use Bootstrap components in Angular apps.
- AngularFire: Simplifies the use of Firebase services in your app, such as user authentication and real-time data storage.
- Angular Universal: Improves your app's performance and search engine ranking by rendering it on the server.
- Moment.js or date-fns: Aids in working with dates and times in your app.
- ngx-charts: Helps you create visual charts and graphs.
- ngx-clipboard: Allows users to copy text from your app with ease.
- ngx-pagination: Helps with splitting and displaying large lists of data.
- Angular CDK (Component Dev Kit): Provides tools for building custom components and interactions.
- Ngx-spinner: Adds loading spinners to your app for a better user experience during long operations.
Installing or Updating Libraries
We can add and update libraries to our project using the following command:
- To install a library to our project.
ng add <lib_name>
ng add NgRx
- To update a pre-installed library.
ng update <lib_name>
ng update NgRx