
Steps to install VS Code

Step-0: Download the VS Code IDE from https://code.visualstudio.com/Download  by selecting your installed System OS.

 Step-1: Now install the VS Code by executing the .exe file.

Step-2: Install the coding pack for Java by the following link 
For Windows- https://aka.ms/vscode-java-installer-win.
For macOS- https://aka.ms/vscode-java-installer-mac

Now click on the install button and wait for a few seconds until the installation is completed.

Step-3: Now install the JAVA extension pack for VS Code by the below link--

It will redirect you to VS Code.

Step-4: Now install the extension into the vs code.

You successfully installed Java with VS Code.

Write your first Hello World Program.

Two-min Drills

  • Install JDK: Download and install the latest JDK from the official website.
  • Set JAVA_HOME: Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the JDK installation path.
  • Install VS codeIDE: Download VS code IDE, unzip, and configure it for Java development.
  • Test Setup: Create and run a "Hello, World!" program in VS code to ensure the setup is working correctly.