


  • Modifiers are keywords that precede the declaration of a class, interface, or its members, defining their scope, access level, and behavior within the application.
Types of Modifiers: Java has two main categories of modifiers:

  1. Access Modifiers:  public, protected, private, and default (no modifier), which control visibility and access of classes, methods, and variables.
  2. Non-Access Modifiers:  static, final, abstract, synchronized, volatile, etc., which define additional properties like behavior, thread safety, or immutability.

In the following example, the public modifier applied to the class indicates that the specified Java Class is accessible throughout the entire application or other java classes . We will explore this modifier in a broad    detail later in this chapter.

public class JavaClass{
    //here public is a modifier

Types of Modifiers

  • There are two types of modifiers 

  1. Access Modifiers 
  2. Non-Access Modifiers

 Access Modifiers:-

Access modifiers are those keywords that describe the rule of the access level of Classes, interfaces, and their members( i.e. - constructors, methods, variables, etc. )


package quipohouse;
class HelloWorld {
	public void method1 () {….}     //It can be access by other class
	private void method2 () {….}    //It can’t be access by other class
	protected void method3 (){….}   //It can be access within the pakcage and by its child       	        

Types of Access Modifiers

There are Four types of access modifiers :

1. Default Access Modifier or package private:-

If we don't mark any access modifier( like public, private, protected) before declaring a class, interface, method, or other class members, the Java compiler by default gives the access within the package where it is declared.

Key Points:

  • Class declared without a modifier is called as default access modifier.
  • It can be accessed only within the package.


//File Name: Main.java

package quipohouse;
class Message
  void msg()
    System.out.println ("Hello to QUIPO HOUSE World");

public class Main
  public static void main (String[]agrs)	//main method always have pubic access-modifier.
    Message obj = new Message ();
    obj.msg ();


Hello to QUIPO HOUSE World

2. Public Access Modifier:-

  • The class interface and its members declared public and can be accessible everywhere.  
  • It has no scope restriction.


//File 1 : HelloWorld.java

package quipohouse;
public class HelloWorld {

  public void message() {

    System.out.println(“Welcome to Quipo House”);
//File 2 : Main.java

package quipohouse;
public class Main
  public static void main(String[] args)
    HelloWorld obj = new HelloWorld ();
      obj.message ();


Welcome to Quipo House

3. Private Access Modifier:-

  • Class member marker as private cannot access outside its class.
  • Except for the nested class, A class cannot be private.


//File : Main.java

package quipohouse;
class HelloWorld
private void message()
        System.out.println("Quipo House");
public class Main
public static void main(String args[])
        HelloWorld obj = new HelloWorld ();
        //Trying to access private method message from another class


Main.java:17: error: message() has private access in HelloWorld

Example of the Access level of private modifier with class members (method, variable, etc.):

//File : Main.java

package quipohouse;
class Message
  private String msg;
  public String getMessage ()          // getter method
    return this.msg;
  public void setMessage (String msg)   // setter method
    this.msg = msg;

public class Main
  public static void main (String[]main)
    Message m = new Message ();

      // accessing the private variable using the getter and setter method
      m.setMessage ("Welcome To Quipo House");
      System.out.println (m.getMessage ());


Welcome To Quipo House

4. Protected Access Modifier:-

  • When the methods and variables are declared with a protected access modifier, we can access them within the same package as well as from its subclasses even outside the package where it is declared.
  • A class cannot be protected.


//File : HelloWorld.java

public class HelloWorld

  protected void message ()
    System.out.println ("Welcome to Quipo House ");
//File : Main.java

public class Main extends HelloWorld
  public static void main (String[]args)
    HelloWorld obj = new HelloWorld ();
      obj.message ();


Welcome to Quipo House		

Top-level Classes cannot be private and protected.

Access ModifiersClassPackageoutside the package
ProtectedYesYesOnly in the Derived class

Non-Access Modifier :-

The Non-access modifier affects the code behaviour other than its visibility or scope.

 There are six non-access modifiers. We will separately study it further in this tutorial.

  • static: Belongs to the class rather than instances (shared among all instances).
  • final: Prevents inheritance (for classes), method overriding, or variable reassignment.
  • abstract: Defines abstract methods (for classes) that must be implemented by subclasses.
  • synchronized: Ensures that a method or block of code is accessed by only one thread at a time.
  • tansient: Fields marked with transient are skipped during the serialization process, meaning their values will not be saved or transmitted when an object is serialized.
  • synchronized: Ensures that a method or block of code is accessed by only one thread at a time.