Spring MVC
- Spring Web MVC framework provides model-view-controller(MVC) architecture and ready components that can be used to develop flexible web applications.
Key points:-
- MVC pattern divides an application into input logic, business logic, and UI logic.
- Spring MVC is an architecture that is based on the model-view-controller design principle.
- A loosely coupled application is created by the MVC design pattern.
- In J2EE we use MVC design patterns to create dynamic websites.
Model View Controller Design Pattern:-
- Model:- This is a class that encapsulates the application data. It is also called the POJO class(Plain old Java object). It is used to implement readability & reusability.
- View:- It generates HTML output to render model data for interpretation by the client's browser.
- Controller:- IT is responsible for handling the Request and sending the response back to the client with processed application data.
Spring MVC project
For creating the Spring MVC project we use Maven:-
- Apache Maven is a tool used for managing software projects and understanding them. It uses a Project Object Model (POM) concept to manage building, documentation, and reporting from a central information location. With Maven, we can easily build and manage any Java-based project.
Steps for Creating a Maven Project:-
- Click on file ---> New
- Click on Maven Project---> Next
- select org.apache.maven.archetypes / maven-archetype-webapp /1.0 ---> Next
- Enter group id: package name, Artifact id: project name, version: 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
- Finish.
Spring MVC Flow
Dispatcher Servlet:-
- This is also called a front controller in the Spring web application. All the requests first arrived at the dispatcher servlet.
- It is defined in the web.xml.
Handler mapping:-
- Dispatcher Servelet approach handler mapping for forwarding the request to the appropriate controller.
- It is a Java class. The requested URL is mapped with a method based on the HTTP methods (Get, Post, Put, Head etc.).
- This method returns the model and the view.
View Resolver:-
- Based on the controller output the View Resolver foreword the view to dispatcherServlet.
- The DispatcherServlet invokes the model data to the view.
- Finally, the model-view-object is sent back as a response to the browser or the client.
Advantages of Spring MVC framework
- It enables rapid and parallel development
- Development of the application becomes fast
- Easy for multiple developers to work together
- Easier to update the application
- And easier to debug because we have multiple levels in the application
Disadvantages of Spring MVC framework
- It has high complexity to develop the application using the pattern.
- It is not suitable for small applications which affects the application's performance and design.