

An array is an object which contains only similar types of data.

Key Points:-

  • The array has a fixed size. It takes memory when it is initialized.
  • It is index index-based data structure. Each index of the array takes memory next to the previous index.
  • Array object inherits Object class and implements Serializable and Cloneable interface.
  • The array starts with a 0 index.
  • We can randomly access any index data in Java.

How to declare and  initialize an array

Below are the ways to declare the array in Java:

//dataType arrayVariableNAme [ ] ;
int integerAr [ ];
//dataType [ ] arrayVariableNAme  ;
int [ ] integerAr ;

Initialization of Array:

//arrayVariableNAme  = new datatype [size];
  integerAr = new int [10];
//arrayVariableNAme  ={element1 ,element2,element3….};
  integerAr = {1,4,6,8,10};
//inintialization at the time of delearation
int [ ] integerAr =new int [10];
int [ ] integerAr ={1,4,6,8,10};