
Spring Framework


  • Frameworks are the ultimate time-savers for anyone looking to perform tasks efficiently. By utilizing pre-built software solutions, frameworks eliminate the need for tedious coding and enable you to focus on business logic more.
  • With the help of a framework developing becomes easy. e.g. Spring, Hibernate, etc.
  • It reduces the complexity of an object.

Spring Framework:-

  • Spring is a Java-based application that is used to develop enterprise(e-commerce) applications. e.g. Amazon, Flipkart, Naptol, etc.
  • Spring is also a dependency injection framework.
  • Spring is a helpful tool for developing loosely coupled applications. With Spring, you can easily build applications that are not tightly bound.


Important Definitions in Spring Framework

Inversion of control (IOC):-

  • It is the process of transferring control of an object to the spring framework is called inversion of control.
  • In other words, IOC is a process wherein the control of an object (creating and injecting the object) is transferred to the spring framework.
  • IOC is achieved with the help of dependency injection.

Dependency Injection:-

  • Dependency Injection is a design pattern that is used to achieve inversion of control(IOC).
  • It is used to inject or insert one object into another object.
  • There are two types of dependency injection.
  1. Property Injection.
  2. Constructor Injection. 

Design pattern:-

  • A design pattern is a solution to a problem that occurs repeatedly in a project.
  • A design pattern is a typical solution or general solution to all the commonly occurring problems.
  • Example:- Singleton Design pattern and Dependency Injection.

Spring Container or Spring IOC Container:-

  • A spring container is a component that is responsible for creating an object, storing an object in the memory and injecting the object whenever it is necessary.
  • In simple words, Spring Container is responsible for the lifecycle of an object.
  • <<ApplicationContext>> is a predefined interface that manages the lifecycle of an object.


  • We consider Application Context as our Spring Container.

Implementation classes of ApplicationContext:-

  1. ClassPathApplicationContext
  2. FileSystemXmlApplicationContext
  3. WebXmlApplicationContext
  4. AnnotationConfigApplicationContext


  • For the Spring Container, we need to provide the information regarding bean class and configuration.

Mandatory rules for creating Java Bean class:-

  • public non-abstract class
  • private data members
  • public getter and setter method.

Steps to achieve dependency injection (setter or property injection):-

  • Create a Java project with the respective package.
  • Download the Spring Jar files and add them to the build path.
  • Create a Bean Class with respect to the getter and setter method.
  • Create a configuration file (XML file).
  • Search for the configuration file get the bean and utilize the bean.