
What is Abstraction?

  • Abstraction means hiding the background detail and showing the essential element only.
  • Let's take a daily life example of a switchboard, we know that by tapping the switches we can turn them on and off the fan without knowing the functionality performed inside of the switch.
  • Abstraction is not possible without inheritance as method overriding is not possible without inheritance.

Need of Abstraction

  • By the use of abstraction, we can provide security to our application so that breaches in the database can be prevented by hiding the functionality of the methods.

Key Points:

  • The abstract keyword is used to create an abstract method and class.


abstract class AbstractClass {             // abstract class
	abstract void getAbstractClass();      // abstract method

  • An abstract class is different from a normal class as we can't create an object of an abstract class. We can instantiate the Anonymous Subclass of the abstract class 


package quipohouse;
public abstract class AbstractClass {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		AbstractClass a = new AbstractClass();


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: 
	Cannot instantiate the type AbstractClass

  • If we want to access the non-static member of the abstract class then we have to create the object of a class that extends that abstract class.


package quipohouse;
abstract class AbstractClass {                                 // Abstract Class
	int a = 10;

	abstract void getAbstractMethod();                         // Abstract Method

	void getAbstractClass() {                                  // Concrete Method
		System.out.println("Inside Abstract Class");

class Child extends AbstractClass {                            // Inheriting abstract class

// two public class cannot reside in one .java file
	@Override                                                  // Overriding abstract method 
	void getAbstractMethod() {

	public static void main(String[] args) {                    
		Child c = new Child();                                 // Creating object
		System.out.println(c.a);                               // Calling abtract method through child


Inside Abstract Class

  •  If we don't want the child class to be abstract because of inheriting the abstract class containing abstract methods, then we must have to override all the abstract methods of parent classes.


package quipohouse;
abstract class AbstractClass {
	int a = 10;

	abstract void getAbstractClass();

class Child extends AbstractClass {
	void getAbstractClass() {
		System.out.println("Inside Overriden Abstract Method");


	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Child c = new Child();


Inside Overriden Abstract Method

  • For calling the constructor of an abstract class we have to instantiate the child class.


package quipohouse;
abstract class AbstractClass {
	public AbstractClass() {                        // Constructor
		System.out.println("Inside AbstractClass Default Constructor");

	abstract void getAbstractMethod();

class Child extends AbstractClass {
	void getAbstractMethod() {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Child c = new Child();
		// as default constructor automatically called when we instantiate the class



Inside AbstractClass Default Constructor

Abstraction can be done at two levels:

  • Class Level               
  • Method Level


Abstract class or Class Level Attraction:

  • At the class level, we achieve abstraction by declaring class abstract.
  • An abstract class have one or more abstract methods.
  • It may have non-abstract methods or concrete methods.
  • If a class has an abstract method then it must be declared as abstract.


public abstract Class_Name{
  abstract return_type method_Name();
  return_type method_Name(){

Abstract method or method level abstraction:-

  • We do abstraction by creating abstract methods too.
  • An abstract method does not have a body or block and is declared abstract.
  • If an abstract class is extended by a child class then all abstract methods should be defined ( or have the body )which is also known as method overriding.


abstract return_type method_Name();

Examples of both:

package quipohouse;
abstract class AbstractClass {           //abstract class
	abstract void getAbstractClass();    //abstract method
	void getAbstractMethod() {