
JDBC Architecture

The main components of JDBC Architecture :

  1. Java Application
  2. Driver Manager
  3. Driver
  4. Database

Statement class of JDBC


Statement st = con. CreateStatement();
  • This is the pre-defined class of JDBC API.
  • Statement class is used to execute queries(SQL commands).


  • st.executeUpdate ( " create table emp (------) " );
  • st.executeUpdate ( " insert into emp values(------) " );
  • st.executeUpdate ( " update emp ------ " );
  • st.executeUpdate ( "delete from emp (------) " );
  • st.executeUpdate ( " select * from emp (------) " );

Create a database in the Mysql workbench

Syntax :

create database database_name;


create database employee;

CRUD operations using JDBC

1. Load the driver class:


2. Establish a connection to the database:

Connection con =  DriverManager.getConnection("URL", "username", "password" );

---> URL : ("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/database name");

---> username: “root”; (according to your username)

---> password: “1234”; (according to your password)

3. Prepare SQL Statement :

Statement s = con.createStatement();

4. Execute the query:

s.executeUpdate("create table table_Name(columnName datatype(size) constraint)");


("create table employee(id  int(5)  primary key, name varchar(15) not null, salary double(7,2)" )

5. Close the Connection :

s.close();                                                                                                                                                                                                con.close();  

We will learn briefly about various CRUD operations like Create, Update, and Delete in our next tutorial.