
Steps to install Eclipse

Step-0: Install JDK from the given link: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/#jdk18-windows

Step-1: Download Eclipse from the below link:

Step 2: After completing the downloading, Unzip the file.

Step 3:  Now click on the eclipse.exe file 

Step 4: Create the Work Space Folder.

Step 5: Select Create a new project and enter the project name i.e. Java etc.

Step 6: Now you are ready to write your first program in Java.

Two-min Drills

  • Install JDK: Download and install the latest JDK from the official website.
  • Set JAVA_HOME: Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the JDK installation path.
  • Install Eclipse IDE: Download Eclipse IDE, unzip it and configure it for Java development.
  • Test Setup: Create and run a "Hello, World!" program in Eclipse to ensure the setup works correctly.