
Introduction to JDBC

  • JDBC: Java to Database Connectivity / Connection.
  • JDBC is a software or API used to connect databases on Java applications.
  • Sun Microsystems has developed JDBC software as part of J2SE.  

Simple Structure of JDBC

Steps to start the JDBC project


  1. Download and install MySQL software.
  2. Download MySQL connection Jar files.
  3. Open Eclipse or any IDE to create a Java project.
  4. Create Java build path: Right click ---> properties ---> libraries ---> add external jar file(MySQL-connector-Java) ---> apply and close.
  5. Create a new package and class.

Java database connectivity with MySQL

  • To connect Java applications with MySQL database we need to follow five steps:


  1. Load and Register Driver class.
  2. Establish a connection between the Java application and MySQL database.
  3. Prepare SQL statement.
  4. Execute statement.
  5. Close connection.

What is a Driver and Driver Manager?

  • A driver is used to translate Java to database specific language. It is dependent on a database, for each database, there is a separate Driver.
  • Driver Manager is used to establish connections between Java applications to databases, and it is independent.